The California Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Employees in the Latest PAGA Saga

By David Wall, Chief Legal Officer & Ali Ammar, Chief Investigator On January 18, 2024, the California Supreme Court (the “Court”) issued its long-awaited decision in Estrada v. Royalty Carpet Mills, Inc. The case involves a disagreement and split of authority in the California Courts of Appeal regarding the inherent authority of trial courts to […]

New for 2024: Sheriff Instruction form

Last year, the California Legislature enacted Assembly Bill 2791, which directs the Judicial Council of California to create a statewide form to be used by litigants in civil actions or proceedings to request service of process or notice by a marshal or sheriff. (Gov. Code, § 26666.10.) A portion of AB 2791 took effect on […]

Major changes to Judgment Enforcement laws taking effect soon

California is set to make significant changes to the enforcement of judgments starting in 2023. Following months of deliberation by the State Legislature, Senate Bills 1200 and 1477 are now awaiting Governor Gavin Newsom’s signature. Senate Bill 1099 was signed by the Governor on September 28, 2022. The Governor is expected to sign the remaining […]